Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Little Things

When it comes to being healthy and having a healthy lifestyle, you should change your life a little at a time. It never works to go hard all at once because eventually you'll get tired and lazy and will probably fall back into old, unhealthy habits... So, What types of little changes can you make that will make you a little healthier?

1.  Drink more water. 

Drinking more water is amazing for your body, your skin, and your mind. Pretty much everyone knows this. Whatever your health goals are, drinking more water can always help. I know sometimes doing this can be a little hard because its just not a priority in your very busy day at work or school (and it's very easy to forget about) As simple as this might sound, you will drink more water naturally if you invest in a really nice, big water bottle and carry it EVERYWHERE.

2. Set achievable (but challenging) workout goals.

In order to be healthy you have to workout or be active in some way. Some people love it. Some people hate it. But, theres just no getting around it. The key is to set achievable goals that challenge you personally. For example, my workout goal for the summer was to run for as long as I could at least 4 days a week. This was perfect for my schedule because a lot of times I was busy during the summer but, I always made sure that I found the time to meet my goal (I either ran early in the day or late at night, this way I'd have the whole day to do whatever I wanted to do). This goal was challenging to me because I ran until I felt like a physically had to stop.  By the end of the summer I ran my personal fastest mile ever. These little goals really do pay off I promise.

3. Make small diet goals and changes. 

Little general diet changes like switching to whole wheat everything is an easy way to improve your diet dramatically without giving up a lot of the food you love. Whole wheat bread. Whole wheat pasta. Whole wheat errrryyything. But if you hate whole wheat stuff that's not the only diet goal you can have, maybe give up soft drinks or make an effort to eat more vegetables and less chips. Give up something you know is bad for you and you know you can live without or substitute for something better. Limit yourself to one ice-cream cone a week! Do whatever you feel comfortable with but just make a small healthy change (or changes!). Small changes can be pretty significant.

4. Do fun, healthy activities that you enjoy.

Have some fun by getting outside and doing fun, active stuff with some friends or family! In the summer go swimming, jet-skiing, kayaking, hiking, just spend some time outside doing stuff! In the fall, take a walk around the nearest orchard and pick some apples, go for a bike ride in the crisp air and take in all the beautiful fall tree, do something. In the winter, go skiing, play in the snow, just find something to do outside, whatever you want! You'll be having fun, and being healthier and happier! And that's what life is all about. 

1 comment:

  1. Great, another workout site for me to become addicted to! Seriously though, you are so right! I have always had trouble staying consistent with ab work, so I did the same thing and began by setting minimum amounts of crunches to do per week, and now it's become a habit and the number continues to increase. So many people think they're going to crash diet, run a marathon, and cure world hunger in one month, and they need to read this blog!
