- Global Warming (Despite popular belief it does exist)
- Sexism
- Racism (although too much focus on this problem can only make it grow)
- Greed
- Terrorist Organizations (ex. Isis)
- Cancer
- And many more I can't think of
In my opinion, global warming is the worst problem of all. The earth is deteriorating at a rapid rate and we're all just walking around waiting for it. It's not enough to just recycle when its convenient or donate a couple dollars to an environmentalist organization. We need to be working harder to stall and eradicate the process of global warming. So in the end, sexism, racism, greed, terrorists, cancer and all of our petty problems won't matter if the earth is engulfed in flames.
**Recipe coming next week**
A true yet depressing post. Thinking too globally can really bring you down, so be thankful for the good things in your own life.